Thread & Therapy is a little blog about sewing and mental health—with a side of snark. Opinions are always my own and I do my best to accurately cite my sources. I\’m not here to get sued. Other disclosures to know:
No medical advice
I talk about mental illness and therapy from my own personal experiences. I am not a medical professional nor a therapist. If you are seeking either, check out these mental health resources and speak to a licensed medical professional.
Unless otherwise noted, I pay for every pattern or sewing-related product that I review. The only money I receive is Ko-fi donations—which I greatly appreciate—if you feel compelled to make a contribution.
Additional disclaimers
I co-moderate the CraftSpace Discord server. I also co-moderate the r/GarmentSewing sub. Therefore, I have experience in moderating communities and discourse—and I\’m not totally speaking out of turn.
I am employed at Zapier in a full-time capacity. It\’s my day job. I do not get paid extra or receive discount codes of any kind for talking about how I use Zapier for my hobby. I will always note if I use a free or paid product feature.